Apr 27, 2016
Chedva Kleinhandler is the founder of Lean On, an Israel-basedstartup with one clear goal: making it better for working womenaround the world.
This is Chedva and her team's life mission, built upon their ownexperiences as well as of the 600 women from 56 countries thatshared (and continue sharing) their experiences; why mentorship isso important to their success.
The Lean-On.Us app acts as a bridge between women and mentorsfor always relevant, always private career advice on demand. Thisapp help increases, not only, the economic empowerment of women,butalso builds more diverse, more productive and more efficientbusinesses with inherent growth, and reduced employee turnover.
Before Lean On, Chedva helped local brands take the leap andbecome recognizable abroad by tweaking their social media, contentstrategy and connections with bloggers and magazines. She hasbeen a blogger since 2007 and an interior design blogger since2009,watching from within as the lifestyle merged and evolved online,and how traditional media interacted with those changes.
During her interview with us, Chedva describes her
ownentrepreneurial journey, the lessons she learned along the way,
theinner workings of the Lean On app, and how she and her
partnerdiscovered the need for this tool.
She also discusses the process they took to identify and
confirmwhat women wanted through surveys and interviews, and how to
knowwhen to pivot in business and stay relevant.
Great insights for start-up entrepreneurs and women in businessalike!
Episode Show Notes: https://leadersoftransformation.com/podcast/business/090-chedva-kleinhandler-lean-on-us-mentorship-app-for-women
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